교육 선교 사역을 위한 ACSI 교사 Certificate 과정이 준비되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 Online Bible School (obs.churchhomepage.com)웹사이트 참조해 주시고 관심있는 분들에게 많이 알려 주시길 바랍니다.

The ACSI Teacher Certificate course has been prepared for educational missionaries.

For more information, please refer to the Online Bible School (http://obs.churchhomepage.com) website and share it with interested people.

ACSI Certification Application

Step 1: Fill out ACSI Certificate Application

Step 2: Pay for Course and Process fee($250) at Online Donation & Payment

Step 3: Administrator review and permit to class at Christian Philosophy of Education

Step 4: Study and submit the class assignment 

Step 5: Grading for Study and Credit

Step 6: Pay for request Certificate for ACSI by school administrator fee($100) (Process time 1-4 weeks) at Online Donation & Payment

Step 7: Send the result and Certificate

If you have any questions and requests, Contact 949-667-0264 ( J. Lee, JDSN)

ACSI – Certification Overview page link

Christian Philosophy of Education for Teachers: Equip with Biblical Perspective and Christian Worldview

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